Razor Wall Spike Safety Fencing for Gardens and Yards

Bird spikes used along top rails of roll top residential garden fence for anti bird uses. It also works as anti climbing barrier with added blade on the mesh panel tops. The neat appearance of bright razor spikes set in with the beautiful landscape.
Wall spikes, also called bird spike, anti-bird spike orpigeon spikes.
The razor spikes aredesigned for keeping away birds such as pigeons, crows, and gulls. They are ideal for preventing birds from landing on window sills, roof lines, ledges,fences, under eaves and other areas.
Popular size: Height of spikes:110mm, length of base: 50cm

Welded razor mesh
Electrified Concertina wire
razor wire Mobile Security Barrier
razor strip
Flat Razor Wire Panel
PVC Coated Razor Wire
razor wire fencing
razor wire flatwrap
Concertina razor coil
Barbed Wire
Concertina Wire
Razor Barbed wire
Razor Wire Machine
Stainless Steel Bird Spike
Pigeon Spike
High Security Razor Wire Fencing
Thermal Galvanized Barbed Tape
Razor Ribbon
Stainless Steel Razor Wire
Mobile Security Barriers Specifications
Razor Wire SS 304, 316, 430
Wire Mesh Fencing and Razor Wire

ADD: No. 112 Dong Fang Hong Road,Dezhou City, Shandong Province.
TEL: +86-534-2650118-609
FAX: +86-534-2650118-900
© KDY Concertina Razor Wire Factory