Applications of Razor Wire and Barbed Wire Concertina - Border and Sites Security Fencing Barrier
Razor wires and concertina can be used to create fences of varying height, width and density, both directly on the ground and on the surface of various facilities: on the roofs and walls of buildings, in the form of canopies - on a fence made of stone, wood, concrete, metal gates and so on.
High protective properties of razor wire allow them to create effective fencing around various civilian, military and other supplies. Such objects include, for example: the territory of industrial and agricultural enterprises, power plants, airports, warehouses, cottages, the state border of countries, various sites that need further protection and security.
A major advantage of razor wire fences and concertina wire coils are their transparency, providing an opportunity to monitor the zone adjacent to the perimeter fence, early detection malefactor, and, if necessary, and firing.
Concertina razor wire is used as the most reliable protection perimeters recommended as a combination of fences with common welded or woven metal mesh fences.
We also supply razor wire for mobile fencing, security fencing, bird control, pigeon control and other specific uses.
Main field of application:
Perimeter fencing;
Border fencing;
Mobile barrier;
Anti climbing;
Anti bird perching;
Security fence topping.

Welded razor mesh
Electrified Concertina wire
razor wire Mobile Security Barrier
razor strip
Flat Razor Wire Panel
PVC Coated Razor Wire
razor wire fencing
razor wire flatwrap
Concertina razor coil
Barbed Wire
Concertina Wire
Razor Barbed wire
Razor Wire Machine
Stainless Steel Bird Spike
Pigeon Spike
High Security Razor Wire Fencing
Thermal Galvanized Barbed Tape
Razor Ribbon
Stainless Steel Razor Wire
Mobile Security Barriers Specifications
Razor Wire SS 304, 316, 430
Wire Mesh Fencing and Razor Wire

ADD: No. 112 Dong Fang Hong Road,Dezhou City, Shandong Province.
TEL: +86-534-2650118-609 FAX: +86-534-2650118-900