Thermal galvanized barbed tape is also known as Hot Dipped Galvanized Barbed Tape. Thermal galvanizing can effectively increase the strength and corrosion resistance of the carbon steel wire materials. The processing of hot dipped zinc plating ensures a uniform zinc coating for the barbed tape and the strength of the coating. Also called HDG or Hot dip Galvanizing.
Compared with stainless steel razor wire barbed tape, thermal galvanized barbed tape has less cost.
Twisted steel barbed wire tape is made of thermal galvanized steel wire at diameter of 2.5 mm, and the wire tapes created by stamping and hot-dip galvanized steel plate at thickness of 0.55 mm. Barbed tapes of various sizes can be made according to the specific requirements.
Razor wire barbed tape can be classified into BTC (barbed tape concertina) and BTO ( barbed tape obstacle), with detail information listed as below. BTC refers to long blade concertina barbed tape usually while BTO refers to short blade barbed tape.
Barbed Tape Concertina (BTC);Barbed Tape Obstacle (BTO) Standard materials are either galvanized or stainless steel. Standard packages products are shown in the tables below, special specifications available on request.
Barbed Tape Wire Specification:
Notes: Standard products are shown in the tables above, special specifications available on request. Standard materials are either galvanized or stainless steel.
Razor barbed tape, thermal galvanizing through hot zinc dipping process.

Welded razor mesh
Electrified Concertina wire
razor wire Mobile Security Barrier
razor strip
Flat Razor Wire Panel
PVC Coated Razor Wire
razor wire fencing
razor wire flatwrap
Concertina razor coil
Barbed Wire
Concertina Wire
Razor Barbed wire
Razor Wire Machine
Stainless Steel Bird Spike
Pigeon Spike
High Security Razor Wire Fencing
Thermal Galvanized Barbed Tape
Razor Ribbon
Stainless Steel Razor Wire
Mobile Security Barriers Specifications
Razor Wire SS 304, 316, 430
Wire Mesh Fencing and Razor Wire

ADD: No. 112 Dong Fang Hong Road,Dezhou City, Shandong Province.
TEL: +86-534-2650118-609 FAX: +86-534-2650118-900