Mobile Security Razor Barbed Wire Coils Barriers and Trailer
Our security barriers, is in full automatic pull back to the barrier fence. Only three to four razor wire coils will complete the task. Tasks can be completed within five minutes. The maximum length of the fence is 75 meters. No police or military organization to the purpose of security.
Instructions for use:
1, Blade razor wire quickly works vehicles to designated locations; open tailgate and the setting up of barriers - The total length of 60 meters 75 meters. Location in too wide riots should be fully blocked with razor wire, more coils can be used to achieve the best control objectives.
2. Withdraw: Rear of the vehicle in front of the car retrogression, razor wire tape / line to go back to the tail of the car automatically without any human help, has been lagging until the return to the place.
Action is fast and easy. It is a great and so far mobile security protection barrier.
Application: Formation of a security barrier for national defense, control riots and protests, the coastline of the enemy's defense forces, roadblocks accident, and plug the highway construction, or important entry and exits.
Product characteristics and advantages:
1. Quick and easy operation. Only three men are needed to be set up and retrieval of the razor wire obstacles, fences, a saving of human resources.
2. Razor wire barrier fencing does not have any mechanical power, electricity, battery, motor, or engine, to prevent possible mechanical problems caused by mechanical failure, battery shortage, the electrical failure, or engine failure. In addition, it is set up to prevent rioters from the fire damage mechanical parts, batteries, etc., eliminating the security issue.
3. Highly mobile. The setting up and the withdrawal can be done in 3 ~ 5 minutes. In addition, the vehicles can be seized any tail of the car. The end of the front-line vehicles and cars can separate this way, the value of the use of vehicles will not be limited to the additional vehicles.
4. Blade type razor wire protection system: It is about 1.7 meters in the width of a razor wire barrier. The sharp barrier-free fence can achieve the isolation purposes.
5. High-blade razor wire barrier in isolation. For unexpected or planned in the riots and protests to minimize the personal, financial and physical losses and economic damage caused.
Roller barricade razor wire, portable barrier
Riot barrier razor wire coils
Mobile Concertina Wire Coils for Rapid Deployment Security Barrier
Mobile razor wire barrier vehicle for military uses, a motorized system, with the rapid loading and off-loading of the Razor Wire Barbed Tape.
Mobile Security Barrier Prism - Mobile Barriers, Towable
Mobile Trackless Security Barrier for Riot and Crowd Control
Mobile security barrier prism is a three coil razor wire concertina with diameter 900 mm at a length of 10m or 20m, packaged in a container. The container is made of a rod diameter of 10 mm in length with 2 baskets with locks and handles for transportation. A container provides the ability to quickly expand and collapse the barrier, as well as its safe carrying, transportation and storage.
Mobile barrier prism features Quick installation and Assembly:
This mobile barrier installation only takes 1 minute; and the assembly time takes only 5-10 minutes.
Mobile security barrier prism is used for the rapid deployment of effective barriers during the police and other special operation, quickly create barriers around objects that provide enhanced security barrier. It is used in all weather conditions for a long life.
Twisted Barb Wire Military Barriers
Barbed wire is also used with bracket or other devices to form fencing barriers used in wars and other occasions.
Learn about the detailed specifications and structure of our Mobile Security Barriers.

Welded razor mesh
Electrified Concertina wire
razor wire Mobile Security Barrier
razor strip
Flat Razor Wire Panel
PVC Coated Razor Wire
razor wire fencing
razor wire flatwrap
Concertina razor coil
Barbed Wire
Concertina Wire
Razor Barbed wire
Razor Wire Machine
Stainless Steel Bird Spike
Pigeon Spike
High Security Razor Wire Fencing
Thermal Galvanized Barbed Tape
Razor Ribbon
Stainless Steel Razor Wire
Mobile Security Barriers Specifications
Razor Wire SS 304, 316, 430
Wire Mesh Fencing and Razor Wire

ADD: No. 112 Dong Fang Hong Road,Dezhou City, Shandong Province.
TEL: +86-534-2650118-609 FAX: +86-534-2650118-900