Kuwait Security 930km Razor Barbed Wire tender with installation

Our company recently established Government Special Projects Department to handle the Military Security, Oil and Gas Industries Tenders and Contracting by experts' team to reach our targets.

Our company is currently participating the Kuwait Security 930km Razor Barbed Wire tender with installation

The Razor barbed wire accordingly to the specification MIL-B-52489

Razor Barbed Wire (Robot Installation) for 930 -2X465KM

> Roll Diameter 915 mm
> No. Of Loops 52
> Extended Length 10-15m
> Spacing of loop 200-280mm
>No.of clips 5
>Spring wire Dimeter 2.5mm
> Strip Thickness 0.5mm
> Barb Length 10mm
> Barb width 12mm
> Barb Spacing 24mm

The total length 930 Kilometers of barbed wire is equivalent to 930, 000 meters.

That is approximately 465 KM on each side of the fencing (back and front).

To install the Razor barbed wire to the fencing net by wire claps plastic quoted meter.
Nine Hundred Thirty thousand quoted plastic silk from each side (465 km)

Installing 60 cm steel (skewer, wedge) Diameter 16mm 30cm will be installing in the ground 320 000 steel posts (Already support the fencing net in order to install the (wedge –Skewer) 30cm into the ground. That means each side of the fence there will be160 000 posts.

The installation of steel (wedge) next to the posts.

There will be a distance of 3meters between each Wedge and 3meters in front of post of fencing.
For Bidding includes installation job

Providing vehicles are recommended to have (Robot machine )quick and easy installation of the Razor barbed wire.

Here are the proposed vehicles:

1 machine vehicle to clean up sand.
1 machine vehicle to clear and get rid of sand after cleaning.
1 machine vehicle to level the soil
1 machine vehicle to drill holes into posts every 3meters.
1 machine vehicle to install posts.
1 car to do welding*
I vehicle to lay out the razor barbed wire

We provide a vehicle with machines we motioned can cover a distance of 20 -25km

ADD: No. 112 Dong Fang Hong Road,Dezhou City, Shandong Province.

TEL: +86-534-2650118-609   FAX: +86-534-2650118-900

© KDY Concertina Razor Wire Factory