Concertina Razor Wire Fences Installation Tips - To construct a good-quality, reliable and durable fencing
Concertina razor wire fencing installation requires special skills and equipment.
To get the perimeter security fencing properly installed, several factors need to be taken into consideration particularly:
In order to prevent accidents and to get a safety fencing, it should be carried out only by specially-trained professionals;
Holding strength of the concertina razor fence;
Correct choice of brackets and anchors;
Proper positioning of the construction to preserve the springing properties of the razor wire loops.
First clear site;
Erect posts;
Fixing mesh fabrics;
Fixing concertina coils or razor wire;
Concertina razor wire installed on post, aong mesh panels.

Welded razor mesh
Electrified Concertina wire
razor wire Mobile Security Barrier
razor strip
Flat Razor Wire Panel
PVC Coated Razor Wire
razor wire fencing
razor wire flatwrap
Concertina razor coil
Barbed Wire
Concertina Wire
Razor Barbed wire
Razor Wire Machine
Stainless Steel Bird Spike
Pigeon Spike
High Security Razor Wire Fencing
Thermal Galvanized Barbed Tape
Razor Ribbon
Stainless Steel Razor Wire
Mobile Security Barriers Specifications
Razor Wire SS 304, 316, 430
Wire Mesh Fencing and Razor Wire

ADD: No. 112 Dong Fang Hong Road,Dezhou City, Shandong Province.
TEL: +86-534-2650118-609
FAX: +86-534-2650118-900